Something I’ve discovered about myself after using AI to help me write and prep for interviews is that it’s operating much like GPS has for me. I used to use maps and learned to memorize streets and addresses (similarly with phone numbers), but now as I use GPS for navigating ALL THE TIME, I have no idea where anything is. I don’t remember what freeway number is my turnoff or what’s on the corner that cued my turn before. I’ve become dependent and MUST use it now. Same with my writing...I’ve become lazy about even trying to write anything. I look at notes as I give interviews rather than relying on my own knowledge of my history.

So this is the danger. We become dependent and lazy, using the tools to do all our work and probably making us all more similar and far less creative.

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Yes - one of my colleagues remarked that we may be destined to become like the Eloi in H.G. Wells' The Time Machine.

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So true Wendy. As AI improves performance and productivity it simultaneously “de-skills” the humans. Since skills are costly for organizations to acquire and develop this is great news for them. It’s a great and very timely post but I wonder if the ultimate outcome is the separation of skills from

performance. Skills (or at least human skills) will no longer be valued to the same degree it is now. In many ways what I think Ethan has defined and labelled “skills” is in fact “performance” Skills is only one of many enablers of performance and AI has clearly jumped to the top of that list.

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Absolutely the opposite for me, it’s given me the confidence to challenge what I can learn and be part of. Ask questions, build new ideas from the ground up and unleash creativity in my day to day office work.

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This all falls back on the "Do what makes you happy" principal. If you like doing it, then do it, if you do not like doing it, have AI do it. Live happily ever after. If you feel your education levels are slipping then prompt the AI to train you back up the level you want. Parts of this fall back on you as well. People that want it, have better access than ever before.

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A fantastic exploration of automation and how it changes us (written in the time of GPS and autopilot, but not Generative AI) is The Glass Cage by Nicholas Carr https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25622254-the-glass-cage

Every tool we use shapes us as well as the work we do.

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Thanks for the great read, Ethan :)

I believe both elevator and kingmakers models are simultaneously true, personally.

GPT-4 is an intellectual tool, but since that is a bit more abstract, let me compare it to a physical tool for a second - a chainsaw.

Prior to the invention of the chainsaw, when high-skill (HS) and low-skill (LS) axe-wielders wanted to chop down a tree, they had to bring a lot more to bear: the angle of the swing, the grip of the heft, optimal pacing to make decent progress without burning through their energetic resources. In other words, a mix of knowledge and muscle memory, a set of skills.

After the chainsaw's invention, HS axe-wielders learned that some of their strategies were transferable to slightly increase their effectiveness, but overall, the benefit was just in the job getting done more easily. For LS woodcutters, the chainsaw was a godsend. Most of the challenging aspects they lacked skills for were essentially automated away by the steady chug of the engine.

But on the whole, both HS and LS axe wielders became LS chainsaw wielders. What does a HS chainsaw wielder look like? Just google "chainsaw sculpture" for an idea of what's possible. Or "chainsaw ice sculpture" for a twist.

It's easy to pick up a chainsaw and learn the basic uses of the tool to get a quick benefit from it, but harder to master its use on challenging, even previously impossible challenges. Please correct me if I'm wrong, Ethan, but I don't suppose many of the high-performers in this study had specifically studied how to leverage the tools even more effectively (i.e. prompt engineering).

I'd be very interested in the results of a follow-up study comparing the gains from AI-assisted professionals against a similar group that receives a couple of weeks of instruction in prompt engineering.


Anyway that's my whole elevator argument. As for the kingmaker scenario, I think that's reserved for "artists" - the michelin-chef level executives who aren't just interested in productivity, but passionate with a dual expertise in their subject matter AND working with LLMs.

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loved the example provided. helps put the current observations in context.

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Thank you for this work. It is one of the few constructive arguments since the AI discussion took off 6 months ago. 1+1=3

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Exactly this. These are the sorts of discussions that will actually advance a reasoned, rational discussion about the potential and implications of the application of AI as it is absorbed into our world. The knee-jerk, "AI BAD, take job from Mongo," etc, mindset one so often sees gets us nowhere.

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I think we should also recognize that this is a dynamic process: some firms and some workers will adopt and embrace AI augmentation faster than others. Even among those that adopt it, some will do so better than others. Hence, even if AI is an equalizer at some hypothetical equilibrium, in practice it may be a kingmaker due to variation in the speed at which it is embraced and well applied.

And of course, AI is advancing at a breakneck speed such that almost no one can consistently stay on the frontier. Early adopters may even find themselves developing intuitions and habits that are counterproductive for applying subsequent, more advanced tools.

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Very interesting article. I also read the paper. It provides great insights. A few thoughts:

- did you ensure that all participants were not using AI already? Top performers may already have adopted AI and this may skew results

- “ChatGPT+overview” is like comparing a 1st time driver to someone who had his first driving lesson... the jump in knowledge/skills is usually huge when you start from 0 but it does not make you a good driver

- if BCG was to adopt AI, they would put their consultants through in-depth AI training before they use AI in the field; that could be the next research to (in)validate those findings

- questions within the frontier asked to generate 10 ideas. How realistic is this? It’s asking to produce lots of garbage fast; in a real world, a BCG consultant won’t last 2min. In the exec room with so many ideas; did top consultants actually perform better because they knew generating 10 ideas was unrealistic? Is the paper jumping to conclusions on productivity based on tasks designed to produce “some output” with no connection to productivity that can be monetized (would a client pay for the task output?)

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In the examples where uplift for "bottom performers" were higher, how do you validate that it is not simply regression to the mean?

What was the "baseline" vs "experimental" change for the top/bottom groups in a case of no intervention?

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This was an interesting read—a few thoughts.

Would it lead to below-average performers not learning or building tacit knowledge and outsourcing their thinking to a tool? Eventually, in most cases, work is more than producing a document or an option paper. How much can LLM help implement the strategy/solution/software and would LLM make a below-average person as efficient as someone highly motivated with a lot of tacit knowledge?

How would it work in a company where people are not highly motivated, unlike BCG? Would we see the same level of performance improvement?

Would we all start writing and sounding very similar over time as everyone is using the same/similar tools, LLM's biases and solutions/options will become our biases and solutions/choices? Humans tend to outsource thinking as it is very taxing on the brain. So, people who are not using LLM first (people who think first and then put their output to LLM to enhance it rather than people who use LLM tool first) will have an advantage over people using LLM first.

The goal of the LLM is to make everyone above average, but at what cost, i.e., losing our originality and outsourcing our thinking and brain?

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I don't know English, this text is translated from Spanish.

What you say is very interesting, but capitalism does not care, it only wants results. If the results to improve utility at low cost are to use the LLM first before the idea and then the LLM, then it will be so. Capitalism wins and we will use the LLM first, abandoning our originality.

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Here's a pdf link to the paper that doesn't obnoxiously try to try to force you to accept a cookie before letting you download it:


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This is such a relevant article to what I am working on right now. I think you are right on the money!

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This is one of the best articles I've read that has asked these important questions and done so in such a clear and forthright manner.

Wait a minute... Did AI help write this article..?

I'm kidding. Sort of.

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I swear the LLM wrote this part :)

"AI is a huge blessing that changes their place in work and society. Other people may get a small gain from these systems, but these new Kings and Queens of AI get orders of magnitude improvements. If this scenario is true, they would be the new stars of our AI age, and are sought out by every company and institution, the way other top performers are recruited today.

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Huh, I see what you mean. I read that without thinking it was AI but I could plausibly see it being written by AI. Won't lie, I'm a little shook that I didn't notice it in the first place though.

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fantastic article on a very important subject. This is my first read of yours, and look forward to many more. well done.

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"It may be that the reason only lower performers gain from AI currently is because the current AI systems are not good enough to help top performers." - flawed reasoning... if the AI is good enough for the top, it will still bring everyone up to the level the AI is able to provide, assuming all have the same ability to adopt AI. Unless of course the best AI are design just for the top to understand how to use, but which company will do that?

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We can look to the music industry, where this pattern (speaking of ML...) has already occurred. Music creation software such as Pro Tools has allowed average-to-below-average creators to create songs more easily. We now live in a sea of musical mediocrity with thousands of tepid songs with only a small fraction of creative or commercial quality. A lower-skilled guitarist can now purchase a low-priced software module to give that person the same sound as a pro guitarist who worked for years to attain a sound with expensive gear. Certainly, high-skilled musicians wield these tools surgically and opportunistically (or even not), but the others who have risen from the big part of the Gaussian curve churn out gallons of blandness. I fear this pattern will reoccur in the age of LLMs.

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If experience (or muscle memory) is a big factor in the productivity gap between top and bottom performers, this generation of AI models (after having processed relevant knowledge) will bring the bottom performers close to par or at par with top performers, if they know how to best utilize these AI models (what you refer as Cyborgs).

Based on all that I have read and seen thus far, the benefits of these AI models will get distributed unevenly, but the axis this time instead of experience will be how well performers utilize or integrate AI into their respective workflows.

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I love Ethan's writing, and I sadly haven't been able to find many (any?) other people writing about AI with the same clarity and insightfulness. Anyone here have any recommendations??

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Well, to state that you become good at writing with AI is highly suspect. Good at copy and paste. Writing is a craft, a creative process. There is a big difference between someone writing out of deep experience than auto generated text that at times may be hallucinating. It may on the surface be difficult to tell the difference. But it is there.

What do you think about AI systems training their systems on your writing? It's already started. Read about this important topic in the post https://boodsy.substack.com/p/the-ai-bots-are-coming-for-your-substack

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